Punky Opera dress
The dress is from Marceille, it's lable says "Opera" and it is from gentle black velvet. Sleeves are thorn off - the previos owner is a theatre director punk lady (now living in London).
Shoes that make you go to Israel.
The previous owner left theese expressive shoes in Latvia, to spend winter at the hot Israel. To some people they seemed SO crazy, that didn't even believed, that they could match with anything. At the end, I think that they look really cool in this witch- bitch outfit. The metal bling-blings make them even more gothic.
Magic hat, that takes you to Rome.
This hat is bought in Rome and
it's previous owner called it "The hat, that I wear only in Rome." I guess she's not returning. Although, I have never heard about a way that doesn't lead to Rome...
Photo by Ivars Gravjejs
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